Monday, June 27, 2011


Greetings friends and family,

Our adoption has taken and unexpected turn.  We will no longer be adopting Rose Nacheca.  She is able to stay with her current family the Sorensen’s in Waconia.  God has opened the doors for them to adopt her and it is with sad hearts we see her go but happy hearts that she has a family and home who love her.

I know that this is a shock to many and it is a shock to us but our goal in this process was to provide Rose a home and life here in the States.  We have been blessed to have her part of our lives and honored – she is pure joy.

Isaiah 55:12-13
12 You will go out in joy
   and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and hills
   will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field
   will clap their hands.
13 Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper,
   and instead of briers the myrtle will grow.
This will be for the LORD’s renown,
   for an everlasting sign,
   that will endure forever.”

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Garage Sale Mania

Wow - Thank you to all those who donated and a special thanks to Theresa for allowing me to crash her place for a week and put on this garage sale.  In the end we made just over our goal.  342.00 for the sale to go towards a copy of Rose's birth certificate.  We are on this incredible intense journey and I continue to see God in so many ways.  To Him be the glory! 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Fishing at Papa and Grandma's

Well, time is just flying by.  We are already into June.  Just found out that the paperwork is being sent in to the Carver County Court system and that we should have a court date for Rose to stay here within a few weeks. 

 Our first step is Custody, then onto her Green Card, then onto Adoption.  Our process has been a little different then others but I really see how God has prepared our family for it.

We have been with Rose several days a week now and loving having her as part of the family.  She has spent up to three nights in a row here and everyone is beginning to adjust.  She is such a joy!  As we start preparing for summer camp outs and other adventures the kids are asking when Rose is going to be back with us and if she is going with us on our adventures.   I love that!  Hannah our oldest goes back and forth between homes and our other three kids understand that we need to share her with another family that loves her just like we get to share Rose.  They understand the concept of going back and forth and have adjusted to it pretty well. 

The other day the kids were fighting over toys and Rose jumped in, while most parents would get frustrated I stood in the kitchen and smiled.  I laughed and thought to myself that it was just the sound of family and that is so important.   We are so blessed to be part of Rose's journey in life.  We are enjoying fishing together, playing in the back yard, Dora tea time in the house and so many other things.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing in this journey with us.   We will have more updates in the weeks to come! 

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Well,  We have the checks mailed and the paperwork all copied and mailed.  With the exception of a VERY important piece we can't seem to find.  Please pray that God will help someone find it here or in Haiti.  God knows where it is hiding! :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Jackson havin' fun in the sun!
 Rose, Jackson, and Kenzie having fun on the tramp with the sprinkler under it!

Carter loving up Gunner our new pup
Happy Mother's Day to ALL!  This year has brought us a very special surprise.  I have been blessed with a new child in our family. I love EVERY one of my children.  They all are very different and need different things from me as a mom - but I am honored to be on this life journey with each one of them.  For as long as I can remember this is all I wanted to be when I grew up.  I am living out my childhood dreams - and with my kids I am living out some of my childhood too.  We are sharing the joy of the day together and I am so in awe of what God has done.  With any child there is a whole bag of emotions - from the ups and downs of what is ahead I am praying that God gives me what I need for each of my kids.  I am trying to be the best mom I can be! What a LIFE - thanks for helping our family live it out! 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday update #2

The first deadline has been met today!!!! I can hardly believe how God has provided for our family.  Rose will be part of our forever family and we are now +1 more.
                                      I LOVE SEEING GOD MOVE MOUNTAINS!!!
Philippians 4:19 &20 19And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. 20Now to our God and Father be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

Next steps: Get this rolling and start saving and doing fund-raising events for the remaining amount - $3,430 for the immigration attorney and who knows how much for the adoption attorney($4,000-$10,000 more).  We are ALREADY on our way to that.  God is bringing our little girl home. :)  ****If this is your first time here please read our first post for Rose's adoption story!~****


To reach the 7,500 dollar goal we had this week we have only 215 left~   YES ONLY $215.00
Sending the check off today to start with Immigration and the remainder to the other attorney Monday morning to give a chance for the checks to clear.

I am in awe of God's provision for our family.  He is the one who is making this work out.  Trusting in him has taken on a whole new meaning!  Thank you to everyone who felt led to give for doing so!  I really am speechless.  We spent the day with Rose yesterday meeting the cousins and Auntie Dawn.  After that she fell asleep with her head on my shoulder I just cried with joy in my heart.  I feel honored to have such an amazing little girl in our life.


Thursday, May 5, 2011


$Over 5,000 - by tomorrow.  We almost have enough to pay Immigration the 2,500 to get him started.  We are needing the 5,000 so the Adoption Attorney can get started Monday.  Our request for a reduction in the Home Study was denied right now but may be reconsidered.  We are unsure.
So excited though... Rose gets to meet one of her soon to be Aunts and cousins today!  It should be a really fun!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


We are working to file the paperwork with both Attorneys by Friday. We are thrilled to announce that we have 5380.00 left to raise for the week.  Some still laugh and go how in the world do you expect to make that happen and I shake my head and continue to pray.  We have poured in every penny into the first expenses and have given all we have. We are thankful for everyones help in the process of adopting Rose and couldn't do it without the extra financial support. 

Someone sent us some encouraging scriptures on Facebook and I thought I should share them with you, "Matthew 7:7-8 “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened.” and 2 Chronicles 15:7 "But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded"  All of God's blessing! (someone I don't even know)" 

This continues to be God's story for Rose and our families part in that - the journey he has prepared us for.  As our family grows closer together and leans in on God - I pray that it would be an encouragement to anyone who hears this. That God cares for each one of us and that he is preparing the way even if we are not aware of it.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Weekend update

We are sprinting to complete this first part of the adoption!  We need your help and are asking specifically for donations to Rose's Adoption Fund.  I wish I could work hard enough to complete this task on my own but it isn't possible for our family this quickly.  We are still needing to raise 6,170 this week.  Thank you for reading this - Please read her complete story - it is worth the time! Thank you!!! Praying for a miracle, The Martinson Crew  (If you would like a tax deduction please make checks payable to OLTCH)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Today's news

God is SO good - Raised 1,220 of 7,500 we are trying to reach by FRIDAY (yes this Friday). To God be the Glory - We are in awe of what He has done for us and what He is doing.  We are trying to reach our goal of 7,500 by Friday (Braking down what is left, that is 628 people giving 10.00 each or one giving 6,280.) lol   Thanks for reading up on us, we appreciate all the support and for helping us pray our little girl home.

FYI for anyone who has donated $100 dollars or more you will receive a FREE CD from singer/songwriter Rachel Kurtz!  Thanks Sis!  

*Just a note - we paid $3,330 so far in expenses off of the total amount.

***Update - Found out today that we can continue fundraising over the weekend and get the money to them next week.  YIPPY 4/28

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Where Things Are At...

The process is moving forward.  We are completing our Home Study on Wednesday night. Our training for that by the end of the week.  The other paperwork for now is complete.  We are planning to go through a Domestic Adoption for Rose.  Due to the fact that she is here we are under the impression that the process from the US side may be more direct then going through the Haitian system.  Here are the cost break downs so far:

Home Study - $3,100.00pd
     (Post placement reports +$800.00)
Classes - $90.00pd
Background Checks - $140.00pd
*Needed ASAP* (really this week)
Retaining Adoption Attorney $5,000.00
           *** DUE NOW ***
(Costs range from 9,000 - 15,000)
There will be costs for an Immigration Attorney reduced to 2,500.00 *** DUE NOW *** (payments on the remaining 3,430 will be arranged.)
Plus possible costs for filing paperwork in Haiti but we are unaware of the totals for those so far.

We are hanging on God with this process and trusting that he has us in his hands.  Today I opened the mail and was blessed by a family from Nebraska that I didn't even know.  Here is a little bit of what she shared with me, "Hi!  You don't know me, but I read about your situation on the internet via Facebook post... and I am now doing what I never thought I'd do - sending money to someone I heard about on Facebook. =)....
I know my gift is not large, but hope and pray it is one of many gifts you receive to assist in the process of adopting Rose.  I felt called to share with you when I read your story.  In light of this Easter season I am reminded of Jesus washing His disciples' feet.  His humble service to others.  His love for us. His command for us to love others.  I hope you will accept this gift as a reflection of my gratitude for what Christ has done for us and has in turn called us to do for others.  It seems that this is what you are trying to do for Rose as well.  May God bless this process and may Rose be blessed in finding a forever home.  Sincerely, (A Nebraska Friend)"

This adoption is a calling for our family.  I have been surprised by God's leading and in tears can say I am overjoyed that God is giving us another child.  We are just getting to know her more and I get to pick her up with the kids and get to spend some quality time together today.  (in her new pink car seat)

We are excited and blessed.  We truly are dependent on donations to allow this process to go forward. Thank you for all those who have given.  For those who are considering it please know that every penny will be used to God's glory!  Big or small every donation makes a huge difference!

*View our first post for more information!