Home Study - $3,100.00pd
Classes - $90.00pd
Background Checks - $140.00pd
*Needed ASAP* (really this week)
Retaining Adoption Attorney $5,000.00
*** DUE NOW ***
(Costs range from 9,000 - 15,000)
There will be costs for an Immigration Attorney reduced to 2,500.00 *** DUE NOW *** (payments on the remaining 3,430 will be arranged.)
Plus possible costs for filing paperwork in Haiti but we are unaware of the totals for those so far.
We are hanging on God with this process and trusting that he has us in his hands. Today I opened the mail and was blessed by a family from Nebraska that I didn't even know. Here is a little bit of what she shared with me, "Hi! You don't know me, but I read about your situation on the internet via
I know my gift is not large, but hope and pray it is one of many gifts you receive to assist in the process of adopting Rose. I felt called to share with you when I read your story. In light of this Easter season I am reminded of Jesus washing His disciples' feet. His humble service to others. His love for us. His command for us to love others. I hope you will accept this gift as a reflection of my gratitude for what Christ has done for us and has in turn called us to do for others. It seems that this is what you are trying to do for Rose as well. May God bless this process and may Rose be blessed in finding a forever home. Sincerely, (A Nebraska Friend)"
This adoption is a calling for our family. I have been surprised by God's leading and in tears can say I am overjoyed that God is giving us another child. We are just getting to know her more and I get to pick her up with the kids and get to spend some quality time together today. (in her new pink car seat)
We are excited and blessed. We truly are dependent on donations to allow this process to go forward. Thank you for all those who have given. For those who are considering it please know that every penny will be used to God's glory! Big or small every donation makes a huge difference!
*View our first post for more information!
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